
Happy soul as she is...

Friday, March 27, 2009

关于监控录像 Concerning viewing the security cameras




Hi all,

I noticed the comments in the below entry concerning viewing the on-boat security cameras. Here's a bit of explanation.

As far as I'm informed, initially there was rejection to the requests from Pangmao's friends to view the cameras from the police. (This I think can be understood to a certain extend... regulations, confidentiality etc..) HOWEVER, LUCKILY, yesterday 26th, those friends were allowed to join the police. Pangmao was not spotted in the crowd who went off and back to the boat when it awaited at Turku. Since there're many more cameras on the boat, they're going to view more today and/or the coming days. I'll put news in the upper right side of the page in "Investigation Update".

Please also take a look at "What's going on" to monitor the status of the whole thing.


  1. 为什么看监控录像的时间一拖再拖,为什么周二,不是周一?现在31号,还是没有看到录像。是不是警方发现了什么,想隐瞒。我觉得这件事情瑞典警方没有重视。

  2. "瑞典警方没有重视" agree!
