Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Notes and thanks for your understanding
1st, to let a bit of peace and respect to pangmao's family, I'm not planning to post about the recent tragedy any time soon... However, you can read from the following link(Chinese only) to get some insight if you wish.
(relevant info from 2009-05-11 on)
2nd, concerning donation, please mail to get in contact. I've agreed not to post it here.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Don't give up
Special regards to the family...
Monday, April 20, 2009
Letter from the detective in Turku cont'
I would like to inform you that Finnish TV (canal 2, program`s name
poliisi-TV) broadcasted last thursday some details of Xu Xun`s boat missing. You can watch whole this TV-program (about 30 min) in Internet to next thursday: http://areena.yle.fi/toista?id=2113980
Missing person`s link:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Letter from the detective in Turku
Thank you for your e-mail. I belive Xu Xun`s missing case concerning you and your friends very much. I can say without hesitation we will do all what we can do for reveal this tragic case.
I assume you have got some false information or maybe you have misunderstood something about the boat security camera recording system. They have not (boat security) deleted anything camera recording tapes for thats night and morning, I´m sure because, those tapes are in here and available for us.
Those tapes shows that Xu Xun went to lift on boat´s deck number 2. There were not cameras next to lift on deck 9 and deck 10. Also thre are not cameras outdoor area of decks. If she would have come out from the lift some other deck than 9 or 10 we will see that from the tapes. Now there is not even any glimpse of Xu Xun. That means XU Xun has come out from the lift on deck 9 or deck 10. Unfortenately we don´t know what has happened after that. Anybody hasn`t seen or heard anything unnormal. This is really mysterious.
About a week ago we sent some information about this case to finnish media. At least Finland biggest newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat, published one article where they ventilated XU Xun`s boat missing. Also there was writen in the article, that Turku Police ask information if someone has seen, heard or know anything about XU Xun´s missing.
I´m sorry, coz I can´t help you this time more.
Ville Hahl
Senior Detective Constable
Turku Police Department
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
悲痛欲绝的爸爸妈妈 liujian@vip.sina.com 13901543759
No progress and why the police is being slow
The officer in Stockholm had a discussion with LYP and others after his arrival in the city. About the case itself, she doesn't think other assumptions (e.g., crime on the boat) are plausible (due to no evidence). She'll acquire camera record from the boat.
There's a senior detective in Turku, Finland who's in charge of the case. They have search the harbor and nearby hospitals. No findings. The detective also had a discussion with the group when they were staying in Turku. He agreed that suiside may not be the case, and he understood the concerns. He informed the group that the Finnish police are going to look for a body from now on. Nevertheless, he warned that according to his personal opinion (experience), there's a chance that nothing will ever be found. He indicated that the worst case should be well considered.
According to GLei, the Finnish detective seemed to have done more work and was more understanding to the situation. Also, he mentioned that this is not a rare case. There're several such kind of missing on boat cases happening each year, most of which end up leaving no clue to the police.
The reasons why the progress is so slow are:
1. In fact the Vikingline boats belong to Finland. This leads to the difficulties for the Swedish police to acquire camera records.
2. The police in Stockholm are local to the city. They don't have the power to investigate on the boat and the sea.
3. In gerenal, this case leaves very limited lead and no evidence of anything (collected so far).
Other issues:
1. Private detectives are not specialized in this kind of cases (more for financial and family problems i.e., debts, affairs etc.).
2. Lawyers can be a resource for legal advices and help. However, lacking of clues makes the case not likely to be accepted.
Monday, April 6, 2009
游轮环境考察 Boat observation
LYP, GLei and LSh departed from Stockholm on Amorella on 2nd of April to reach Turku, Finland. I got on one of the sister boats of Amorella's, Isabella, on 4th with ZhX and WZh. Our boat departed at 07:40 and reached Turku at 18:50 (Finnish time). 6 of us headed back to Stockholm on Isabella one hour after and were back to shore at 06:30 on 5th April.
1. 甲板护栏有1米30到1米40高。基本不会因为意外(船体晃动、滑倒或大风等)而落水。需要攀登或者被举起方可落水。
2. 船上并不是处处都有摄像头。甲板上、楼层里、电梯间和集散处有些是没有监控的。
3. 船上有喝多了的乘客,也有人会搭话。但感觉这些人无恶意。
4. 船上整体氛围很休闲,不觉得危险。
5. 在图尔库的下船通道每层拐弯处及出口有很多摄像头。
Here're a few findings of the boat(s):
1. It's not possible to fall off boat on the open deck by accident. The handrail height is up to 1m30-1m40 with protection at feet level. One needs to climb up in order to jump; or lifted up and thrown to the water.
2. Camera is not everywhere. Some of the decks(floors) doesn't have a camera at the assembly point or close to the elevator.
3. There're drank people on the boat and people who would talk to you. But it didn't seem like they were with bad intentions.
4. The overall atmosphere on the boat is relaxing.
5. The exit in Turku has lots of cameras at each turning point of the stairway.
I put the interior and exterior of Isabella here for everybody to see a bit of it. It's very similar to Amorella.
*Please click on the images to view enlarged images.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
公寓 Her flat
Went to her flat yesterday. LZan kept things arranged.
We briefly checked some files, some pills she's taken and her badroom. Nothing unusual was found. The bed was made. There's a magazine and a FPGA book laying beside a few pieces of clothes on the second mattress she has. We took a look at her bed, under the pillow, beneath the bed, the dresser and the wardrobe. All fine.
艾因或温警察局3 Politie in Eindhoven Cont'
I mentioned that the Swedish police were not keeping their words, didn't do what they promised to do (i.e., searching the boat with dogs and looking at the tapes). The policewoman in Eindhoven told me that we should submit a complaint to the Swedish police about their low efficiency. Furthermore, I asked whether a private detective would help. She told me it's hard to say. Bottom line, the police has to do the work. Otherwise, the case couldn't be solved. Last, I asked the thing that bothers me the most, if the police would give up after a certain number of days not having any lead. She told me in priciple, they, the police wouldn't give up. However, only the first days they would try hard to search. Aftwards, they would look for leads once in a while (1 week/1 month) because they can't just only look at one case.
Monday, March 30, 2009
感谢大家 A thank you note
艾因或温警察局2 Politie in Eindhoven Cont'
I had just gone to the police (in stadhuisplein) with LZan earlier this evening. We described the situation to two police officers there.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hi all,
None of the recent "activities" on Kaixin001.com done by pangmao's account are operated by herself. There's auto logon on her laptop.
Friday, March 27, 2009
维京游轮 Vikingline and Amorella
Time Table of the Trip艾因或温警察局1 Politie in Eindhoven
Earlier this evening, LZan, LXue and I had gone to the police station in Eindhoven (near MediaMarkt), having the intention to ask about the procedure and help we could get from the Dutch police.
关于监控录像 Concerning viewing the security cameras
Hi all,
I noticed the comments in the below entry concerning viewing the on-boat security cameras. Here's a bit of explanation.
As far as I'm informed, initially there was rejection to the requests from Pangmao's friends to view the cameras from the police. (This I think can be understood to a certain extend... regulations, confidentiality etc..) HOWEVER, LUCKILY, yesterday 26th, those friends were allowed to join the police. Pangmao was not spotted in the crowd who went off and back to the boat when it awaited at Turku. Since there're many more cameras on the boat, they're going to view more today and/or the coming days. I'll put news in the upper right side of the page in "Investigation Update".
Please also take a look at "What's going on" to monitor the status of the whole thing.
zt: [新浪杂谈] 寻访失踪中国籍女性--徐迅 by 瑞典懒羊羊
3 月20号玩8:00乘vikingline, Amorella号去Abo(土尔库)。我们大概3月21号凌晨一点睡觉,女生A和她住在一个船舱,她们睡 前最后一次交谈在2点,到3点之间。之后A睡着了,醒来徐迅就不见了。因为她睡前说过她可能去看日出,所以A以为她去看日出或者去娱乐场所逛一逛(因为她 最近你的睡眠状况不是很好)。但是直到中午我们都起床,她也没有回来。我们就到整个船上,包括甲板,餐厅,和各种娱乐场所去找她,但是也没有找到。之后我 们联系了船上的保安,他们查看监控录像,发现徐迅于21号凌晨6点20(但是我们不确定是瑞典时间还是芬兰时间)离开房间,乘电梯上楼,可能去了甲板的楼 层。但是保安说没有从监控看到她下楼的录像。同时,因为在7点半,船停靠于土尔库,上下船的人非常多,保安无法从监控中辨别徐迅是否下船。我们提出想从监 控录像中辨别徐迅,但是保安说根据规定无法让我们进行辨别,我们唯一能做的就是下船报警。
2月21号晚7点,我们回到斯德哥尔摩。我们首先到vikingline terminal的information
的 工作人员寻求帮助,她联系了土尔库和Mariehamn terminal的工作人员,都没有发现有被船落下的人(但是在土尔库terminal在这期间 有交班,新接班的人表示并不了解上午的情况,只是通过广播寻找)。随后vikingline工作人员帮助我们于警察局联系,我们到 Kungsholmsg.43号的警察局报案,做完笔录,他们说他们会尽快展开调查,但是目前我们只能等待。
这就是事情的大概经过,徐迅在荷兰的工作单位是:Topic公司http://www.topic.com/ , 但是她大概于一个月前结束了在公司的工作,即将于这个月底结束合同。
我们目前还都是KTH的学生,徐迅原来也是KTH SOC专业05级的学生。
目前我们还有我们的朋友们,都非常焦急。但是身在海外,我们能够做的事情太少了!!! 只能希望大使馆的老师们能帮助我们,尽快联系警察局和vikingline方面,现在时间是最宝贵的。
朋友们的呼唤 Her friends hope for the best...
Im so shocked reading the news..Whats happening? Who was with her on that trip??
Cross my fingers
Please please please show up! 你快点出现啊.......
sooooo worried about you!
i dont know how much longer can i take worrying about you. please show up....
新闻报道 What happened - in the news
2009-03-25 19:58:12http://www.thelocal.se/18420/20090324/
STOCKHOLM, March 25 (Xinhua) -- A 25-year-old Chinese woman was reported missing at the weekend during a ferry trip from Finland back to Sweden, the Chinese embassy in Stockholm said on Wednesday.Early Saturday morning, Xu Xun disappeared from a Viking Lines ferry returning from Turku in Finland to Stockholm, according to the embassy.
Xu told her friends Friday evening that she was going up onto the deck to watch the sunrise Saturday morning. But she did not return to the cabin and her purse and other personal belongings remained there, the embassy said.
"Xu Xun comes from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. She has previously studied at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. After her graduation in 2008 she worked for a Dutch company but lost the job not long ago because of the global economic crisis. She traveled to Finland together with three friends," Yang Shuaiqi, consul of the Chinese embassy in Stockholm, told Xinhua on the telephone.
The Chinese embassy has contacted Xu's family, the ferry security and local police. The police are working on the case, Yang added.
http://news.wenxuecity.com/messages/200903/news-gb2312-822853.htmlChinese woman missing after ferry trip
A 25-year-old Chinese woman has been reported missing after disappearing from a Viking Lines ferry at the weekend.
Friends of Xun Xu are appealing for help from members of the public after the woman went missing in the early hours of Saturday morning.
The woman was returning from Turku in Finland to Stockholm with three friends at the time of her disappearance. At around 6am on Saturday, she told her friends that she was going up on deck to watch the sunrise.
But she did not return to the cabin and her purse and other personal possessions remained untouched when the time came to disembark from the ferry.
"We don't want to consider the possibility that she might have fallen into the water," Chen Zhipeng, a friend, told The Local.
Jackie Moberg with the missing persons unit of the Stockholm police confirmed the disappearance.
“She has been reported missing but since then we haven’t had any new information,” she said.
“I’ve also been in contact with the police in Finland and asked them to look into the matter. They had no knowledge of the case when I called, but are currently checking hospital registries and other places in search of any information about her.”
Moberg added that police have requested security camera tapes from the boat, but must wait for it to return to port in order to review the footage.
Xun Xu has previously studied as an international master’s student at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.
She currently works for a Dutch company and had returned to Sweden to visit friends. She was scheduled to fly back to the Netherlands on Monday.
Xun Xu is 1.67 metres tall. She was wearing a V-neck sweater with grey and black stripes, a purple scarf and long brown boots at the time of her disappearance.
Anybody with information pertaining to the case is asked to contact the police at 114 14 (or +46 77 114 14 00 outside Sweden).
新华网斯德哥尔摩3月25日电 中国驻瑞典大使馆25日证实,一名25岁的中国女子日前在乘游轮从芬兰返回瑞典途中失踪。
关于此博客 This blog
I want to build up a blog for expressing my worryings and missing to Pangmao. Today, 7 days after she has been missing, there's a bit of sunshine in the sky above Eindhoven. I hope the incidence will clear up with a happy ending just like the blue sky after the rain.
Fingers crossed for you, Pangmao!